Birte Riechers
de  PhD Student
Former Group Members

riechers [at] (+33) 55-684-5640

Education & Career

2012 - 2016 Graduate Student
Droplets, Membranes and Interfaces - MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organisation
Goettingen, Germany de 
2011 - 2012 Research Employee
University of Bielefeld, Derpartement of Chemistry
with Prof. T. Koop within the group Atmospheric and Physical Chemistry
Bielefeld, Germany de 
2008 - 2011 Master of Physical Chemistry
University of Bielefeld
Departements of Chemistry (group of Atmospheric and Physical Chemistry, Prof. T. Koop)
and Physics (group Thin Films and Physics of Nanostructures, Prof. A. Hütten)
Bielefeld, Germany de 
03/2009 - 09/2009 Internship
University of Adelaide
School of Chemistry and Physics (Dr. G. Metha)
Adelaide, Australia au 
2004 - 2008 Bachelor in Chemistry and Science of Sport
Bielefeld University
Thesis within the group Atmospheric and Physical Chemistry
Bielefeld, Germany de 

PhD Thesis

Group Publications

Other Publications

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