Quentin Jochyms
fr  Emulseo CTO
Former Group Members

jochyms [at] emulseo.com (+33) 55-684-3027

Education & Career

01/2017 - ... R&D Chemical Engineer at FluoSurf www.fluosurf.com
Soft Micro Systems - Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal
Pessac, France fr 
2012 - 2015 PhD Thesis
Synthesis and study of a fluorous and photoreducible copper(II) complex with surfactant properties: application to click chemistry in biphasic perfluorocarbon-water and hydrocarbon-water systems
Bordeaux, France fr 
2012 Development Engineer - Internship
Synthesis of isatin in a microreactor / optofluidic chip
Enschede, Netherlands  
2011 - 2012 Master Sustainable Technologies
UTC (Universite Technologique de Compiegne)
Key Modules includes: Industrial processes focused on transformation of biomass and new less-polluting processes
Compiègnes, France fr 
2010 - 2011 Process Engineer - Internship
Keynew method for the production of microsphere
Oldenzaal, Netherlands  
2006 - 2012 Engineering diploma in Chemistry
ESCOM (Ecole Superieure de Chimie Organique et Minerale)
Key Modules Include: organic chemistry, polymers, process chemistry, analysis, security and environment concerns
Bordeaux, France fr 

PhD Thesis

Synthese et etude d'un complexe de cuivre(II) tensioactif, fluorophile et photoreductible : application à la chimie click en millieux biphasiques perfluorocarbure-eau et hydrocarbure-eau
Q. Jochyms
LOF, Solvay/CNRS, Universite de Bordeaux
Open Access


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